
Curriculum Vitae

Skúli Magnússon, Cand. Jur, Mag. Jur. Parliamentary Ombudsman of Iceland

Personal Details

Born 14 October 1969 in Reykjavik, Iceland


2019 Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law
1997-1998 Magister Juris in European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford (University College)
1996 Practical training for admission to the Icelandic Bar
1990-1995 Cand. Juris from the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law
1994 -1995 Studies (ERASMUS) in EU-law at the Katholieke universiteit van Leuven


2021 to present Parliamentary Ombudsman of Iceland
2021 President of the District Court of Reykjavik
2021 Temporary appointment to the Appeal Court of Iceland
2004 to 2021 District Judge of Reykjavik (on leave 2007-2012 while serving as the Registrar of the EFTA Court)
2002 to present Associate Professor at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law (part-time since February 2004, on leave as from 1 June 2021)
2013-2017 Chairman of the Complaint Committee of Public Procurement (part-time)
2007-2012 Registrar of the EFTA Court (Luxembourg)
2005-2007 Ad-hoc member of the Complaint Committee for Information
2000-2002 Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law (full-time)
1999-2002 Registrar of the Complaint Committee of Public Procurement (part-time)
1998-2000 Lecturer at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law (part-time)
1999-2000 Law Clerk at the Supreme Court of Iceland
1995-1997 Associate Judge at District Court of Reykjaness
1995 Officer of the District Commissionaire of Keflavik

Public Activities 

2013-2017 Chairman of the Icelandic Judges´ Association
2011 to 2021 Ad-hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights
2011-2012 Member of the Constitutional Committee (elected by Parliament)
2013-2014 Member of the Constitutional Committee (appointed by the Prime Minister)
2005-2007 Member of the board of the Icelandic Lawyers' Association
1999-2005 Member of the Board of the Icelandic Department of the Nordic Conference of Lawyers (Nordisk Juristmøte)


Author of three textbooks and over 40 academic papers in Icelandic, English, French and Danish on topics of Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, European Law and Procedures. Recent publications in English and French include:


  • "Experts on the Bench - Reflections on Pragmatic Solutions from Up-North", Civil Justice Quarterly 2009, Vol 2., pp. 261-272
  • "On the Authority of Advisory Opinions – Reflections on the Functions and the Normativity of Advisory Opinions of the EFTA Court", Europarättslig tidskrift 2010, Vol 3, pp. 528-552
  • "La    Cour     AELE     –     Organisation,     fonctionnement     et     procédure", JurisClasseur Fasc. 4000 (Published electronically 15 July 2011)
  • "Judicial Homogeneity in the European Economic Area [...]", Nordic Journal of International Law, 80 (2011),  pp. 507-534.
  • "State Liability in EEA Law: Towards Parallelism or Homogeneity?". European Law Review, 2013 Vol 2, pp. 167-186.
  • "Efficient Judicial Protection", The EEA and the EFTA Court - Decentred Integration, Hart Publishing 2014, pp. 117-133.
  • "Icelandic Courts", The Handbook of EEA Law, Ch. 5, Springer 2014, pp. 277- 293.
  • "The Authority of the EFTA Court", The Fundamental Principles of EEA Law, Springer 2017, pp. 139-168.
  • "The 2011 Proposal for a New Consitution", Icelandic Constitutional Reform – People, Processes, Politics,   Routledge 2021, pp. 151-171.


Ad-hoc Lectures and Appearances  Speaker in a number of domestic and international academic conferences, including (in English and French): "Le Code civil et le droit nordique - le droit des contracts" at the conference, Le code civil et l´Europe: Influences et modernité (Strassbourg, October 2004); "Dispute Resolution by International Courts - The European Economic Area" at the 4th St. Gallen Dispute Resolution Conference (St. Gallen, October 2011); "The Rule of Law through Thick and Thin ..." plenum speech at the 100 Year Anniversary of the Icelandic Bar Association (Reykjavik, December 2011);" Icelandic Endeavours for Constitutional Reforms", plenum speech before the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Council of Europe (Reykjavik, September 2016).
Academic Teaching One of main teachers and organizer of courses during the first semester of undergraduate studies at the University of Iceland, Faculty of Law (Legal Theory, Philosophical Introduction to Law and Introduction to European Law) as well as organizer and main teacher in two courses in post-graduate studies: Philosophy of Law and Legal Interpretation. Teaching activities also include Public Procurement, Civil Procedures and Legal Methodology.

For a full list of publications, lectures etc., in Icelandic reference is made to

Published work


Skúli Magnússon